Blog Archive
Read Petreece’s insights on personal and relationship issues gained through years of marriage and counselling

You have the freedom to choose how you continue
I felt proud to the point tears as I worked with a premarital couple this week. The young woman was willing to face the pain and the negative mindsets of her past (family of origin), which would have definitely hurt her marriage, even before it started. Her parents did their best with what they knew

Time does not heal
Freedom to choose healing Time, time, time! Time does not heal. Unfortunately, we all know of persons who were hurt over 6+ years ago, whether through loss, abuse, rejection, divorce etc and are still in a place of anger/depression and pain as if the incident happened 2 days ago. “It will heal in time it”

The seeds for destruction in our marriages
The seeds for the destruction of our marriages were sown long before we got married and even before we met. We have internalised many unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict, managing emotions, decision making, coping with stress/pain etc and we don’t even realise it. We think and feel like our way is the right way.

The Mystery of Love
I sometimes ask my husband why he is so in love with me and he would give me a list of reasons why, and, he would ALSO say that there is a part that he cannot explain….he just loves me. I call this the mystery of love, the “inexplicable” part of it all. Some years

Moving forward…. Let us stop reacting out of our pain
About 10 years ago our home was broken into and the thieves really took everything that they could carry in what I believe to be a truck! They also made a mess of the place…. It was traumatic. Our DVD collection was gone! Now we did not buy pirated DVDs or CDs only originals…. (If

Encouragement tips for couples – #4
So….. 16 nights ago my husband looked at me and said “22 more days”. With a little thought I said “Our wedding! So are you going to marry me!!?” He came a little closer, smiled and said that he couldn’t think of doing anything else. An idea came to mind to share, twice a week,

Encouragement tips for couples – #3
So….. Eight nights ago my husband looked at me and said “22 more days”. With a little thought I said “Our wedding! So are you going to marry me!!?” He came a little closer, smiled and said that he couldn’t think of doing anything else. An idea came to mind to share, twice a week,

Encouragement tips for couples – #2
So….. Four nights ago my husband looked at me and said “22 more days”. With a little thought I said “Our wedding! So are you going to marry me!!?” He came a little closer, smiled and said that he couldn’t think of doing anything else. An idea came to mind to share, twice a week,

Encouragement tips for couples – #1
Last night my husband looked at me and said “22 more days”. With a little thought I said “Our wedding! So are you going to marry me!!?” He came a little closer, smiled and said that he couldn’t think of doing anything else. An idea came to mind to share, 3 times a week, leading

Becoming a good listener
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”― Leo Buscaglia Active listening is actually hard work! “Most people are very aware that other people don’t listen,

Are you a good neighbour?
Take a look at the Tips below. Being a Good Neighbour As Huey and I sat together early New Year’s morning I started wondering out loud what topic should be my first topic on the “Healthy Relationship” Program for 2018. Just before this we were discussing the fact that it was past 1:45am and persons

A little about me…
There is Nothing more Fulfilling…. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than seeing a couple come into counselling on the brink of divorce and seeing them leave my office with feelings of hope! Added to this is seeing an individual learn to really love and accept self after many years of people pleasing and/or